Welcome to my website. This is my personal website. I have many interests, so this is a collection point for most of it. I teach at a community college in Arizona, but you won’t find anything about that here. This is personal, so let’s play.
Interesting facts about me:
- I like to stay fit, so I ride bikes, hike, run, lift weights, and play as much as I can.
- I went to college on a track scholarship, and I ran cross country all 4 years of college.
- Besides the computer, I love other technology. I’m Android. No iPhones here.
- I love watching all sports, live and on television. Go Suns! Go DBacks! Go Cards! Go Buckeyes!
- I love to read trashy romance novels on my Kindle and phone. If only I had more time.
- I’m handy, so I like to build furniture and renovate things.
The two most important women in my life:
Mom & Cam